Private Lessons on Oboe, Trad Flute, and Tin (Penny) Whistle
In Durango Colorado
My studio is currently full and I am not accepting new students at the time. Contact me to get on the waitlist, or for recommendations.
Private lessons on oboe, english horn, reed making, trad flute, and tin whistle in Durango Colorado
Private lessons are available to students of all ages and abilities. Lessons are currently being offered in-person.
Lesson Policies
Lesson Policies and Prices
Please contact me for current lesson rates. Lesson length and frequency can be customized to fit each students needs.
✶ There is a required 24-hour cancelation policy to change or cancel a lesson to avoid being charged the full lesson price, unless it is due to an emergency or illness.
Payment due at time of service via PayPal, Venmo, Cash, or Check.
Covid-19 Protocols
Cancelations: If you feel ill the day of your lesson, please cancel as soon as you can. No fee will be charged for cancelations due to illness.
Covid-19 Exposure: If you are taking in-person lessons and have been exposed to Covid-19, please alert me immediately. If I am exposed to Covid-19, I will contact you and let you know as well.
A note on reeds: I am still adjusting reeds during in-person lessons. Reeds are disinfected with 70% alcohol during the testing process.
Location and Hours
Lessons are currently being offered in-person only. I teach out of my office at Fort Lewis Collage at 1000 Rim Drive, Durango, CO 81301.
Office hours vary - please contact me for my updated schedule.
Frequently Asked Questions
If your school or local music store doesn’t provide rentals, there are several online options. I recommend checking out Forrests Music, Midwest Musical Imports and RDG Woodwinds. These companies have specialized woodwind repair technicians on staff who can ensure your instrument will arrive in excellent playing condition.
No, you don’t. I recommend students begin learning to make their own reeds in high school if they plan on continuing to play in college. Adults may choose to learn reed making so they have more adjusting options for themselves. Reed making requires a bit of a financial investment and a tremendous amount of time. I like to get students started with a focus on the oboe first and can provide reed adjustments for as long as needed. In the meantime, you can play on high quality handmade reeds.
You are welcome to contact me about what kind of instrument you should rent. Depending on your level, we can discuss which instrument would be best. For flute beginners, I generally recommend flutes with an in-line G. For oboe beginners, I generally recommend starting out on a plastic instrument with a left-hand F (such as a Fox 333).
If you want to explore reed making and reed adjusting, I have a list of essential items that you’ll find helpful in the process. Click here to view the list.
You don’t need any sheet music to get started! I can provide sheet music as we begin working together. As you progress, you may want to purchase your own copies, and/or some advanced music may require purchase from a third party sheet music provider.
If you are looking to pick up the oboe, or have a student starting the instrument, I also recommend reading through my articles about getting started and general resources.
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